Craft Store Confession

I have a confession.

I went to Hobby Lobby today to get one item.  One item.  I walked out of there with a bag full of items, and even ran back in to get one more item.
Let me back up a minute.  I own a craft business specializing in wire jewelry, crochet items, among other various crafty creations.  I ran out of the copper wire I use to create my signature earrings.  I figured I would load the baby in the car and make the run to my favorite craft store while my oldest is at school.  No harm, no foul.  The problem is that I have ADHD. 
When you have ADHD, you have a tendency to, should I say, live in the moment.

The dialogue in my head went something like this:

"OK, I'm here for wire.  Just copper wire.  I don't need anything-
Oh look, glass jars!  Those are so cute!  Oh my goodness, this one has a copper lid-
No, I need copper WIRE, not glass jars... It's only a dollar, though..."
Fast forward an hour and a half and I am walking out with lotion making supplies.
Had to run back in to get the copper wire.

If you are like me, you probably know this scenario all to well.  So, how does one prevent an episode of impulsive spending when one has ADHD (or even if you don't)?

Here are a few tips that I should have followed on this little craft store adventure:

1. Make a list.  
I can't emphasize this enough.  For goodness sake, slow the hamster wheel in your head, and make a dang list before you leave your house!  It will help remind you what it is you are at the store for in the first place.  Don't put it in your purse, either.  Hold the sucker the entire time, because Lord knows, out of sight out of mind, am I right?

2. Free time is the enemy.  
Don't ever go shopping when you have nothing else to do.  The kids are at school?  Stay home.  Off work early and bored?  Go home!  Clean your house or something.  ONLY go shopping when you are in a hurry, when you have somewhere else to be after wards and you need to get in and out as fast as possible.  Last minute errands don't result in regretful impulse buys.

3. Confess your sin.  
Tell everyone what you did.  You went to the store to grab a loaf of bread and some milk and came back with candy, cookies, and chips?  Don't hide it, tattle on yourself.  Shame will ensure you wont do it again (for a while at least).

Bonus(for extreme cases): 
Leave your debit and/or credit card (ALL of them) at home.  Bring only enough cash for what is on your list (remember my first tip?).  This may result in having to leave all the extra items you picked up at the register for the store associates to put back, but at least you didn't go over your budget!  Bonus points if you take the time to put the items back yourself.

You're welcome.

May your work days be short and your coffee breaks long.
Have a brew-tiful day!



  1. LOVE IT! Hahaha Hobby Lobby is to die for!!
    You are not alone!! I want to make jewelry!


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